+2 votes
by (5,709 points)

So as far as I could test, several loose stone piles spread over Tibia causes my character to go down instantly once I use a shovel or any equivalent item on it. Anyone knows why exactly that happens? I am pretty sure that things didn't use to be that way in the past.

An example that comes to mind is the one located at the entrance to Elvenbane. I can name a few other ones if needed, but I realized that it is not every loose stone pile with this effect.

by (5,044 points)
I hace wondered about this so Many times and never found an answer!!
by (329 points)
I think cip changed it a while back. As far as I know, all of them have this behaviour. Could you give an example of stone pile in which you don't go down instantly?
by (5,709 points)
ok! I will try to search for it but I am pretty sure that I have seem holes without it scattered around. I will update my question with an example as soon as possible, ok?
There are lots of such stone piles around. But i'll provide an example: The one leading down to medusa tower to name one (cuz im next to it). This one just opens without sucking me down... without consent. I hope this question gets answered. Made me curious! I'm no fan of the 'new' ones.
by (5,709 points)
Thanks for telling about that one. All can I say is that there are random ones that never suck me down, but there are plenty of them (the one leading to Elvenbane, for example) that will suck you down imediatelly. I was so scared when that happened after I returned from my retirement, hahaha!
by (1,346 points)
Some stones related to quests are are always "closed". When you use the shovel on them you'll enter the hole without opening it meaning that every person that wants to enter that place needs to use it's own shovel.
by (105 points)
Supposedly it was an added feature introduced around the June 2016 Update and it was always intended to work this way.

Also if someone is standing on the loose stone pile and you shovel or tool it, that person will go down lol
by (5,709 points)
wait this is bizarre, lol. Idk what is the point of it, many quest involves pick holes and they do not suck you in.... Apparently, I could spot the Elvenbane hole opened once I went down and got up fast. Seems a bizarre mechanic but at least now we discovered a reason for it.

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (3,617 points)
The answer I found is that it was implemented in a update (2016) and that all loose stone piles should work like this, every time you use the shovel you go down but some loose stone piles didnt changed and that’s a bug that wasn’t solved yet...
by (5,709 points)
awesome! Please, if you find it, edit your answer and insert that! That would be great!
by (2,261 points)
I have found if you stand diagonal to a stone pile and open it you dont auto drop.  Not sure if this is true for all holes but its worked on all the ones ive encountered
by (5,709 points)
wow, nice finding. Good to know about that.
+1 vote
by (63 points)
selected by
Best answer
There are 2 different kind of loose stones that you can shovel out, one is the normal loose stone that are the entrance to a hunting zone (eg> trolls east of thais) and others are mission only loose stones (eg, east of the plains of Zao, near the boss teleport) the idea behind it was to protect the quest area so that only the quest doer would be able to get in, while sealing the entrance to people who already did it (eg missions that can only be done once). Since the idea was very well implemented they tried to (supposedly) do it on all loose stone, nevertheless there are some that still works in the old way.
by (5,709 points)
still kinda weird. If you go up once sucked by the hole, you gonna open the sealed hole... So technically an adventurer doing a quest can open the hole to curious people around... That's what I saw during my tests around Tibia. But thanks for answering me!