User shawtay

Member for: 6 years (since Sep 22, 2018)
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Character name: Shawtay
Game world: Pacera
Location: USA
About: Pacera since 2004 <3
*I know everything and nothing
*Rare collector
*Creature of Habit
*Feared Bountyhunter

Activity by shawtay

Score: 17,434 points (ranked #1)
Questions: 774 (697 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 740 (421 chosen as best)
Comments: 1,965
Posts improved: 1,686
Voted on: 926 questions, 1,376 answers
Gave out: 2,233 up votes, 69 down votes
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Wall for shawtay

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Thanks a lot! And yes, these are all great ideas to use! Let's see what can I do :) Thanks a lot for watching!
Dec 13, 2020 by FPoPP
yo, since you asked:

I accept any kind of criticism. I am trying to improve this channel.

I will probably make more Tibia stuff on it! Suggestions are welcomed.
Dec 12, 2020 by FPoPP
I saw your post on my wall regarding
About that, I see you removed Ä and Ö and exclusively asked for Å.
Now when I think of it I'm actually not sure I've ever seen an Å in game.
I'm 100% Ä and Ö exists but I'm not sure about Å.
From knowing that Ä and Ö existed I assumed that Å would exist aswell, since those three letters are the only ones that seperates the swedish alphabet from the english.
Nov 20, 2020 by Dream Warden
Thanks for the heads up on the returning comment. Not sure why it came back
Jun 8, 2020 by Severblade
actually you know what, i feel like im causing to much drama for you. ill delete my comments
Jun 7, 2020 by Severblade
Sorry mate ill move this to your wall. It shows that you made an edit 3 hours ago. Feel free to call me an idiot
Jun 7, 2020 by Severblade
So do you get another Owl if you hit 8000 before June 1st? : )
May 19, 2020 by Severblade
Gtz on yours 4000!!
Jan 27, 2020 by Beix
Thank you! You are so cloooose, gogogo!
Jan 24, 2020 by Beix
It's my wallllll
Dec 25, 2019 by shawtay


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