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I am wondering about the fast & efficient method of looking for the specific objects/ tiles as it is done in the answer to the following question:

 https://www.tibiaqa.com/20684/where-can-i-find-a-campfire?show=20684#q20684  (screenshot under the question)1

I was trying to look for any tool to do that, however, did not find anything particularly useful. 

I found an old article: https://tibiamaps.io/blog/walkable-tile-count where the author is using Bash script (screenshot under the question)2, and I was wondering if the same can be applied to other objects- such as a campfire, stone pile etc. and would it be limited only to permanent objects, or it could be used for daily respawns (such as corpses, furniture)? Kindly note, IT is not my element.



1 Answer

+2 votes
by (2,426 points)
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In order to do that you'll first need a "copy" of the server map (not the minimap), which has all the objects (tiles, walls, trees as well as movable stuff like crates, boxes, etc) in their default position. As far as I know this kind of updated data is not available for the public anywhere.

The second step would be creating a script to look for the desired ID, which shouldn't be a problem for anyone that manages to get the map data by themselves.

The second example you gave is a different scenario. In that case, TibiaMaps.io's admin only analyzed the minimap path files (which you can download from the fansite or simply check in your installation folder), which exist exactly to register what tiles are walkable or not. The minimap files do not save the objects in that position so you can't use them to look for specific objects.