User FPoPP

Member for: 6 years (since Sep 1, 2018)
Type: Moderator
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
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Character name: Thaian Prisoner
Game world: Kenora
Location: Brazil
About: Since 2009. From Thoria.
Moderator of TibiaQA.

Activity by FPoPP

Score: 5,796 points (ranked #4)
Questions: 424 (377 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 162 (56 chosen as best)
Comments: 993
Posts improved: 257
Voted on: 1,827 questions, 1,993 answers
Gave out: 3,773 up votes, 47 down votes
Received: 1,157 up votes, 16 down votes
Bumps performed: 21
Pins performed: 5

Wall for FPoPP

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Bronze (20)

Verified Human x1
Grateful x1
Editor x1
Photogenic x1
Voter x1
Notable Question x424

Notable QuestionAsked question received 150 views (Bronze)

Deleted post
Deleted post
Reader x1
Asker x1
Gifted x1
100 Club x1
Nice Answer x65

Nice AnswerAnswer received +2 upvote (Bronze)

Deleted post
Deleted post
Deleted post
Liked x1
Nice Question x181

Nice QuestionQuestion received +2 upvote (Bronze)

Visitor x1
Answerer x1
Commenter x1
Dedicated x1
Autobiographer x1
Regular x1
Renewal x1

RenewalReceived Nice Answer badge in response to a question more than 30 days old (Bronze)

Silver (16)

Copy Editor x1
Questioner x1
Avid Voter x1
Respectful x1
Avid Reader x1
Lecturer x1
Loved x1
Wise x1
Commentator x1
Popular Question x396
Trouper x1
1,000 Club x1
Old-Timer x1
Good Question x11
Good Answer x3
Devoted x1

Gold (14)

Senior Editor x1
Inquisitor x1
Reverential x1
Devoted Reader x1
Devoted Voter x1
Veteran x1
Famous Question x33
Revered x1
Ancestor x1
Preacher x1
Enlightened x1
Annotator x1
Great Question x1

Great QuestionQuestion received +10 upvote (Gold)

Zealous x1