+1 vote
by (17,406 points)
Let's say for example I'm trying to get back in to meet the Percht Queen but she has 20 hours before you can kill her again. I'm not sure what time I did it last because I'm doing it on so many characters. However, is there a way to check how much time I have left? Like a timer somewhere that I don't know about?

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (4,384 points)
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Best answer

There is no such feature in-game, sadly... 

A way to go around:

  •  Always keep your screenshots folder open.. Since tibia client takes a screenshot when a boss is killed (as long as you have that option selected)
  • Find the screenshot of the boss you are willing to kill again and check when was the screenshot taken.
  • If thay screenshot was taken over 20 hours ago, then you have access!
P.S: the screenshots keep the name of the character in the file name, so you can know which character that is, even before opening the picture 
by (17,406 points)
Thanks for the workaround!
+1 vote
by (17,406 points)
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There's a great tool on the fansite TibiaPal, that you can use. It doesn't include all bosses but you can simply click on the image to start the timer. You can close the browser you just need to make sure you go back to the same browser in order for the timer to work. Alternatively like already mentioned, you can go to your Tibia screenshots (make sure you have the checkmark to get auto screenshots when a boss is defeated) You can also check out a supported fansite like TibiaWiki to see how long the boss cooldown is for and do some math using an online calculator.

I'm going to copy from this source: TibiaQA question- Where are auto screenshots from the Tibia client stored?

  • They are stored in the same location where the Tibia client is installed.
  • The path is Tibia/packages/Tibia/screenshots
  • You can easily open that directory going to Options > Misc > Screenshots and clicking "Open Screenshot Folder" button.
