+1 vote

What are the limitations for Free Accounts with regards using Analytics Features in Tibia ? If that could be kept in table format would be great ! (see below- please feel free change order, or add features)

Type of Feature Premium Account Free Account
Hunting Analyser
Loot Analyser
Waste Analyser
Impact Analyserr
XP Analyser
Damage Analyser
Quest Tracer
Drop Tracker
Bestiary Tracker

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (284 points)
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Actually, there is only one analytic feature exclusive for premium players that is the Hunting analyser. In the table below I changed the name of waste analyser that now it's called supply analyser and also include the party hunt analyser.

Type of featurePremium AccountFree Account
Hunting analyserYesNo
Loot analyserYesYes
Supply analyserYesYes
XP analyserYesYes
Damage Input analyserYesYes
Party Hunt AnalyserYes Yes
Quest trackerYesYes
Drop trackerYesYes
Bestiary trackerYesYes

There is no different limits on the trackers?
by (284 points)
As far as I noticed there is not (I used to be premium but at the moment I am free acount). Just in case I took a look in english and brasilian TibiaWiki and the only feature that I saw the need of a premium account is the Hunting Analyser.
+1 vote
by (17,406 points)
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Premium vs Free Account Analytic Features

Please I recommend you visit one of my sources for more information on premium vs free accounts: Tibia - Premium Features

Type of Feature Premium Account Free Account
Hunting Session AnalyserYesNo
Loot AnalyserYesYes - Cannot see loot per hour gauge or graph
Supply AnalyserYesYes - Cannot see supply per hour gauge or graph
Impact AnalyserYesYes - Cannot see DPS or HPS gauge or graph
Damage Input AnalyserYesYes
XP AnalyserYesYes - Cannot see XP/HR gauge or graph
Drop TrackerYes - Can track up to 50 itemsYes - Can track up to 5 items, cannot automatically track items that exceed a certain value by configuring drop tracker, can't specify your own loot value to an item
Party Hunt AnalyserYesYes
Quest TrackerYes - Can track up to 20 questsYes - Can only track up 5 quests
Bestiary TrackerYes - Can track up to 50 creaturesYes - Can track up to 50 creatures


by (5,796 points)
Kinda sucks that they do not people see graphs for Free. Loot tracker limitations also render this option almost 100% useless for Free Account, lol
by (564 points)
I'm playing on FACC (aka demo) most of the time, and for such level range it's a suitable demo. The drop tracker is still useful to not miss stuff that isn't highlighted in color in the Loot window.
by (5,796 points)
imo adjusting the tracker for a price limit is very intuitive for me as a Premium, helps me to figure out what is crap and whats is decent. But I can see myself using it for some specific creature products or even silver tokens (I will force myself to play FACC for a some time). I am also playing as a FACC but I sense the limitations as overkill after being premmy for a while. Other thing that blew my mind was that I can't auto-collect coin into my Store Purse... Such an expensive store item and I can't use like gold purses in other big mmorpg... Honestly, I can see some minimal improvements in this are, to make people more welcomed. FACC should be limited but not painful.