+1 vote
by (5,051 points)
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Today I logged in a free account I have, and I was shocked when I noticed I couldn't take Ultimate Great Mana even being lvl 130+.

So which are the different rewards for free and for premmy accounts you can get daily in the Rewards Shrines?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (17,406 points)
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Best answer
Free Account PlayersPremium Players
  1. Choose 5 runes or potions.
  2. Choose 5 runes or potions.
  3. One Prey Wildcard.
  4. Choose 10 runes or potions.
  5. One temporary Gold Converter with 100 charges.
  6. One Training Weapon.
  7. Ten minutes 50% XP Boost.
  1. Choose 10 runes or potions.
  2. Choose 10 runes or potions.
  3. Three Prey Wildcards.
  4. Choose 20 runes or potions.
  5. One temporary Temple Teleport scroll and one temporary Gold Converter with 100 charges.
  6. Two Training Weapons.
  7. Thirty minutes 50% XP Boost.

Source of chart above: https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Daily_Reward_System

  • The main difference between Paladins is premium accounts get Ultimate Supreme Potions + a lot of other runes.
  • The main difference between Knights is premium accounts get Supreme Health Potions + a lot of other runes.
  • The main difference between Druids is premium accounts get Ultimate Mana Potions + a lot of other runes.
  • The main difference between Sorcerers is premium accounts get Ultimate Mana Potions + a lot of other runes.

Here's a chart on the different types of potions and runes you can get depending on your account status and vocation. X means this player will get the item. (Please note your list can vary depending on other factors see below for more information)

Potions/RunesFree Account PaladinPremium Account PaladinFree Account KnightPremium Account KnightFree Account DruidPremium Account DruidFree Account SorcererPremium Sorcerer
Health PotionXXXXXXXX
Strong Health PotionXXXX
Strong Mana PotionXXXXXXXX
Great Spirit PotionXX
Great Health PotionXX
Great Mana PotionXXXXXX
Ultimate Mana PotionXX
Ultimate Health PotionXX
Ultimate Spirit PotionX
Supreme Health PotionX
Ultimate Healing Rune (Item)XXXXXXX
Poison Bomb RuneXXXXXX
Intense Healing Rune (Item)XXXXXXX
Convince Creature RuneXXXXXX
Fireball RuneXXXX
Fire Wall RuneXXXX
Fire Bomb RuneXXXX
Explosion RuneXXXX
Cure Poison Rune (Item)XXXXXXX
Fire Field RuneXXXXXXX
Energy Field RuneXXXXXXX
Disintegrate RuneXXXXXXX
Great Fireball RuneXXXX
Icicle RuneXXXX
Avalanche RuneXXXX
Chameleon RuneXXXX
Energy Bomb RuneXXX
Energy Wall RuneXXX
Animate Dead RuneXXXX
Magic Wall RuneXXX
Paralyse RuneX
Stone Shower RuneXXXX
Wild Growth RuneX
Thunderstorm RuneXXXX
Sudden Death RuneXXX
Soulfire RuneXXXX
Poison Wall RuneXXXX

Please note that apparently the Daily Reward System isn't just based on account status and vocation but also on level and game world type.  This list can also change based on the day of the daily reward. For example, you can get a different potion and rune list on the 1st, 2nd, and 4th day. Please see my question and answer here for more details: Is the daily reward based off of other factors than vocation and account status?
