User Alip Aldo

Member for: 1 year (since Apr 16, 2023)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
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Character name: Alip Aldo
Game world: Refugia
Location: Ab'Dendriel
About: 400 tibian-years old half elf,  son of Gindan from Deraisim caste, aspiring sage focusing mostly on theoretical work rather than groundwork.

My main area of interest is the social structure of bonelords and their language. I also study small communities often built around a single demagogue.

Hibernating most of the time: playing occasionally for the last 17 Earth-years. While asleep (aka IRL) I'm a (computer) scientist, as some may notice by my peculiar choice of words.

Activity by Alip Aldo

Score: 564 points (ranked #55)
Questions: 14 (5 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 36 (14 chosen as best)
Comments: 86
Posts improved: 0
Voted on: 28 questions, 39 answers
Gave out: 65 up votes, 2 down votes
Received: 95 up votes, 2 down votes
Bumps performed: 1
Pins performed: 0

Wall for Alip Aldo

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Bronze (20)

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Photogenic x1
Autobiographer x1
Reader x1
Nice Question x3

Nice QuestionQuestion received +2 upvote (Bronze)

Notable Question x13
Nice Answer x19
Renewal x6
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Silver (7)

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Wise x1
Copy Editor x1

Gold (3)

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