+2 votes
by (5,801 points)
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I tested and proved that you can create the base Afflicted Outfit (and I think that you can make also both addons, but I can't test at the moment) in a video:


But I am still curious on other premium outfits that you can conquest as a free account, even though you won't be able to wear it until you get Premium Time... Anyone knows the full list of doables Premium Outfit (including Addon 1 and Addon 2 of Free Account Base Outfits) for Free Account characters?

3 Answers

0 votes
by (234 points)
As a free account you can only acquire 'Newly Wed Outfits' by a succesful marriage between two players (male & female)
0 votes
by (3,843 points)
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Discoverer outfit (not complete because you need to discover lots of areas but you can get as free acc), soil guardian outfit but the only outfit a free account can use is the wedding (excluding the outfits from store and tournaments)
by (5,801 points)
are you sure about citizen? I tried to get but the NPC refused my request and even stated that I was lacking a Premium Account, LOL
by (3,843 points)
Well now I’m not sure, sorry.... but all the others I’m 100% sure it’s possible to get as free account
0 votes
by (36 points)
you can use all the 'store outfits' been free acc, and ride all the store mounts, and also the rented horse.