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by (17,406 points)
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I am interested in knowing if training as a Free Account is different than being premium to avoid wasting money. For example, these are some of the things I have in mind but maybe there are other things you would like to add:

  1. Can you train on dummies that are in a friend's house or the ones in public areas?
  2. Can you train at the same pace as a premium account?
  3. Can you use exercise weapons?
  4. I heard you can't offline train as a free account, is this true?
by (112 points)
Public areas* xD

1 Answer

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by (17 points)

1 - you can use both. expert dummy can be used to train skills using Exercise Weapons and Training Weapons. It is 10% more efficient than regular Exercise Dummies but it can only be used by one player at a time.

2 -No you can't, You can't use offline training mode.

3 - yes, you can. There are exercise weapons for each skill and two types of each for magic level (Rods and Wands). These weapons can be purchased either in-game for in-game currency (see table below) or in the Store for Tibia Coins. In order for a character to train with such weapon, they have to 'use' it on an Exercise Dummy. Training Weapons are similar to Exercise Weapons but can be obtained for free from the Daily Reward System.

4 - You can't as it is advertised at the tibia website

by (17,406 points)
Hi, i'm a little confused about the question, do we skill up the same as a premium account is what it means?  2: Can you train at the same pace as a premium account?