+4 votes
by (6,736 points)
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I'm trying to make a bestiary with all kinds of Horses and I noticed that sometimes there is a lot of Horses on the west from Thais and sometimes there are twice or even three times less Horses. When I spend more time there, respawn seems to be regular. I can see always two grey Horses near the wheat field. What does the number of horses running in this area depend on?

Any help will be appreciated! :)

4 Answers

+3 votes
by (6,736 points)
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Best answer

There are two factors which we should consider while completing Horses bestiary entries:

1) Horse Station World Change


Possibility to complete this bestiary gives us an active world change called "Horse Station". We can notice two stages:

1) horses are in the Thaian Horse Station and we can rent them as a mount,

2) Horses are on the loose and spawn in the wild around the station.

First stage doesn't let us finish horses bestiary entries, however during the second stage we will meet all kind of horses: , , + additional rare entry: Wild Horse spawning wildly among the trees and around Troll camp to the east of Thais.

2) Spawn of the Wild Horse

During the second stage we can usually meet small amount of ordinary horses around Palomino's barn. To meet more of them we should come there in the time of Wild Horse spawn. Every three hours since the server save, there is a respawn of a big wave of horses which may contain from 0 to 3 Wild Horses.

Their respawn area is marked below.

I marked whole area east-south from Thais, because horses are quite fast and they split up very easily.

Worth to mention that, unfortunately, the big wave works only once. After we kill all horses that appeared with Wild Horses, the respawn will work as usual - slowly with way less monsters around.

+1 vote
by (435 points)
Horses on the Loose Mini World Change only comes when very few people rent horses at Venore and Thais in one day. It can stay active for a maximum of four days if no one lure them back into stable.
Also when the Wild Horse spawns, more brown and dark horses come with him. Maybe thats why u noticed more horses some times.
I did their bestiary standing a whole day there, painfull but able. Hope u can do it too!
0 votes
by (284 points)
The spawn depends of the people that rent horses the day before if there is very few people (don't know the number exactly) that rent horses the day before the horses will spawn if there is a lot of people that do rent them the horses won't spawn the folowing day.
–1 vote
by (54 points)
Normally the respawn has between 3 Wild horses, and I always take them on the south-east.
by (17,406 points)
But the user is asking "What does the number of horses running in this area depend on?"