+1 vote
by (1,510 points)
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During the Horse Station World Change it is possible to kill horses and wild horses close to the east gate of Thais, however they run away from players and it is common to see players trapping them with parcels.

The spawn area for these horses is quite big and I couldn't find a good tutorial or video explaining the best or most efficient way to trap them in order to do bestiary and not have them running too far away.

by (509 points)
Instead of trapping you may consider being invisible. They won't run.

1 Answer

0 votes
by (6,946 points)

If you want trap all Horses just need make two lines of Parcels

The YELLOW line are Parcels.

by (1,510 points)
There are more horses spawning west of the guild hall too, as far as I know.