+1 vote
by (299 points)
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So today was the day, the day I finally got my horse mount! (yay me) And while the event is being active I figured I might as well try to get the bestiary for Wild horses, so I went back like 10 min before they should spawn and then I waited around 10-15 min after the should have spawned. It was me and 2 other guys there that wanted to kill them.

But there was no spawn of Wild horses... On wiki it says that they will spawn in groups of 1-3 each time (https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Wild_Horse).

So to my question: Is it possible to block the spawn of wild horses or is Wiki misinforming and it can actually be 0-3 wild horses each spawn time?

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (7,037 points)
This respawn works as Raid so is impossible block the respawn. Also I remember wait more than 20 min from the hour of respawn.
by (299 points)
OKay, thats great! But is it possible to be 0 wild horses spawned, or is it always atleast 1? :)
by (7,037 points)
I have four characters with the mount and help a lot people and friends to get it (Once upon time I was in a guild who used this mount as preset mount.) so at see at least on Horse every time.
+1 vote
by (6,736 points)
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Best answer

As I remember while doing horses bestiary - it is absolutely possible to not meet any Wild Horse , so yeah it can be actually 0-3 of them.

Also I remember that the big wave of horses, when it's time was coming appeared just next to me. So I would say that it's rather impossible to block it and it works like any other raid or for example Undead Cavebears waves.
