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by (4,311 points)
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Hello Dear Tibians!

Today I'm here to ask you about an alternative to hunt for paladins lvl 500+. I use to hunt at asuras solo, but due the few time that I have to play, it's being hard to get this respawn, so I'm looking for another place to hunt with similar XP.

My first question, Winter Court is a good place where can I hunt? If yes, how should I hunt there (route, equipments, supply)? And finally, how much XP/h and profit should I make?
by (5,051 points)
Solo or Ed-Rp?
by (4,311 points)
Rp only, maybe Rp + Ek

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (5,051 points)
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Best answer

This is what I do, and the set and supplies I carry:



  • Dark whispers: Mana leech + distance skills imbuements
  • Depth lorica: Vampirism + Ice protection imbuements
  • Falcon Greeves or Prismatic legs
  • Falcon bow (or living vine bow): Mana leech + Vampirism + Strike
  • Diamond Arrows
  • Winged Boots
  • Enchanted pendulet (or enchanted sleep shawl)
  • Blue plasma rings
  • Might rings, energy rings and stone skin amulets in case you get trap

Supplies: Because the heavy loot that these monsters drop  do not bring too many supplies:

  • ~10-15 loot backpacks: Main one with capacity imbuement
  • ~1000 strong mana potion
  • ~200 ultimate spirit potion
About the exp/h and loot, I must check again to edit the answer :)
+1 vote
by (7,037 points)

Court of Winter

  • Route (Is MY own route):

On the entrance make one pull on he center of room.

Now go down on the stairs and make another big pull.

Clean the pull and go up on the stairs an take the right or left way and go up on the stairs again.

In each side you find a stairs, go up on the stairs once again and kill all, then pass to the other side (Right to Left or Left to Right) and start going down on the stairs.

Once you reach the main floor repeated all the route again.

  • Creatures:

Hibernal Moth Hibernal Moth (At Tibia Night)

Crazed Winter Rearguard Crazed Winter Rearguard

Crazed Winter Vanguard Crazed Winter Vanguard

Soul-Broken Harbinger Soul-Broken Harbinger

Arachnophobica Arachnophobica

Thanatursus Thanatursus

  • Set:

On set just use the best set you have against ICE Damage and Physical Damage.

Use the best Bow you have.

Diamond Arrow Diamond Arrow x500

  • Supplies:

Ultimate Spirit Potion Ultimate Spirit Potion x100

Great Spirit Potion Great Spirit Potion x700

Strong Mana Potion Strong Mana Potion x700

Bullseye Potion Bullseye Potion xX (1 Bullseye Potion equal to 15 minutes)

Great Fireball Rune Great Fireball Rune x500

Stone Skin Amulet Stone Skin Amulet x20

Might Ring Might Ring x10

Blueberry Cupcake Blueberry Cupcake x2

Blessed Steak Blessed Steak x2

The numbers can vary depends of how much time you wanna hunt and how much you feel comfortable.

  • Charms:

Dodge Dodge on Thanatursus Thanatursus

Parry Parry on Crazed Winter Vanguard Crazed Winter Vanguard

Enflame Enflame on Crazed Winter Rearguard Crazed Winter Rearguard

  • Imbuements:

Bow with Critical Chance (All Powerful)

Bow and Armor with Life Leech (All Powerful)

Bow and Helmet with Mana Leech (All Powerful)

  • Experience:

The experience can be 3.5KK per hour to 4KK per hour with 150% and 6.5KK per hour with 225%.

  • Profit:

The profit is not than good, the 50% of the money you can get is from Platinum Coin, but in regular cases you can make 300K+ per hour of profit. The best item you can get here is Collar of Green Plasma Collar of Green Plasma also I recommend take the Elven Astral Observer Elven Astral Observer and Ice Flower (Item) Ice Flower (Item)  because they drop it a lot.

  • Examples on video:

Paladin level 578
