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by (2,865 points)
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Hello everyone, my friend is learning to play the game and she is level 30 now. I want to know hunts which aren't too difficult for a beginner player and also good for her level as a free account.
by (17,404 points)
Hello, just for solo or team too?
by (2,865 points)
Just solo, shawtay

3 Answers

+2 votes
by (171 points)
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I'd recommend upper spike, but going slowly there, not to overlure at the beginning. The exp should be decent and also some profit. (It was suggested that to enter Spike is a premium area and I have no option to verify it atm, so leave it here for you to verify). Other than that mount sternum - crypts area or Dark cathedral on POH.

If she's looking for some easy spot that offers money for start, but doesn't prioritize fast exp, amazon camp in venore might also be a way to go.

by (7,016 points)
You need pacc to enter on upper spike.
0 votes
by (48 points)
If we knew the skills and the EQ ur friend has, it would prolly be easier to help :)

Could try Orc Fortress maybe
0 votes
by (1,057 points)
Since your friend is learning how to play, I'll assume she does need money, both in order to improve her equips and to buy a premmium acc.

So the best options are the places that are easy to hunt, easy to leave and drop items that are valuable (generally imbuiment items).

I'd recommend her to go to:

1) the ice islands (alterning between Folda and Vega) in order to kill Winter Wolves and loot Winter Wolf Fur

2) the amazon camp (northwest of Venore) in order to kill Amazon and Valkyrires (loot protective charm) and witches (loot bag of apple slices and, if very lucky, stuffed toad)

3) Orc fortress entrance, in order to kill Orc Shamans and loot broken shamanic staff (go with some stealth rings, just in case things get too hard)

and 4) Gloom Wolves, in order to get gloom wolf fur

Besides those hunts, it is a good choice to do the lucky charms task in Outlaw Camp every day, trying to get a hunting horn