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by (1,557 points)
I'm looking for different places to hunt solo as Paladin, so I ofund a video of a guy hunting at GT area, but hasn't much info.

I'd like to know which is the level, equipments, imbuements and charms are recommended to make this hunt works?

1 Answer

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by (1,181 points)
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Level: Better not lower than 400 I recommend 500+

Set: Any bow ( 3 imbuements crit life mana), void boots, any legs( preference greaves but can also be prismatic), helmet ( any helmet with skill and mana preference coif), pendulet ( pretty much the best item to hunt in this place), depth lorica ( with life/energy protect resistance) prismatic ring  and arrows, ( after getting confidence and depending on lvl you can change prismatic ring for a blue plasma ring)

Charms: reality reaver ( poison), dread intruder (wound), sparkion ( parry or low blow), breach brood( death).

its a good hunt for profit, the xp got a bit nerfed but still something ok, I recommend at start to don't close boxes to early, go luring slowly and hitting the monsters with arrows and runes, when the monsters reach low yellow you can let them get near to you to finish them, at start recommend to do boxes of five hugging a wall instead of starting with box of 8 if you get confidence with respawn you can start to lure/block more, another tip is use blue plasma until it get low time then sell it to npc in darashia so you have free use time of a blue plasma ring, can be done also with blue plasma amulet
