+2 votes
by (4,311 points)
Afther the chenges made by CIPSOFT, some players have been hunting at warzone 5, as this place has not received any changes.

I have never hunt at this place, so what equips should I use (please give the best option and one more acessible)? What about imbuements and charms?

*Edit: I'm lvl 550, but please tell us which lvl is recommended to start to hunt there.

2 Answers

+3 votes
by (1,850 points)
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Best answer

As 470 paladin I hunt there with diamond arrows and avalanche runes like on lower roshamuul, i take 8 monsters on me and put posion bomb under me so energy elementals wont come.(same tactic as on prison)

Imo tibia nowdays offer us much protection for paladin with sleep shawl and pendulet so I guess 250 lvl would be enough to go there but ofc you need run with monsters don’t try block them like on lvl 400. :)

1. Equipment:

Helmet: Zaoan helmetitem or dwarven helmet itemwith additional skill boost and ofcourse each helmet with mana leech. Falcon Coif itemwould fit there also but its soo expensive item. If you gonna use preys there and roll Defense one I would use cheaper version of Coif Dark Whispers itemwith Mana and skill boost imbuement.

Bow: Falcon bow itemwith standard trio of imbuements or Living Vine Bowitem also with standard imbuements. Where also Living bow have free Earth Protection +4%. Ofc cheapest would be Destruction bowitem with 3 standard trio of imbuements.

Amulet: Werewolf necklaceitem as cheap way but ofc recomended is Enchanted Sleep shawlitem which have 24% of Earth Protection and 7% of physical Protection.

Armor: Cheap way = Prismatic armoritem with life leech, medium way Ghost chestplateitem with life leech and Earth Protection, most expensive way Gnome armoritem with same imbuements as Ghost chestplate.(also
Dwarven armoritem might be with life leech and earth protection)

Legs: Prismatic legsitem<Fabulous legsitem<Falcon greavesitem

Boots: Guardian bootsitem cuz physical protection +2% or Winged bootsitem which have additional Earth Protection +7% and skill boost +1.

Ring: Prismatic ringitem

2. Charms:

Freezeobrazek  for Tunnel TyrantsTunnel Tyrant

Enflameobrazek  for Cave DevourerCave Devourer

If you don’t have them might be wound and dodge. Primary charms on paladin :D

Sorry for no photos but I’m on phone :3

by (1,028 points)
Great equipment note!
by (1,850 points)
Thanks >.< just reach home so i could add photos :D
by (4,311 points)
edited by
Very good research, thx. It will help a lot
+3 votes
by (1,028 points)
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What I would like to show you is a video made by TibiaGuides ClickME

The guy discusses in-depth tactics considering hunting and profiting in Warzone V, as well as the routes, equipment, and charms.

The recommended level is 300+, but obviously, at this level, it's not possible to actually tank them, you may want to run around with them. However, at your level, you should be able to simply go from box to box. I always recommend getting a little familiar with the spawn before going into full hardcore mode, i.e. try taking on only a couple of monsters at first just to get a sense of how much damage they deal and what is the perfect route for you.

If you don't really want to go through the whole video, I picked some of the essential tips from the video:

Imbue and charms: (As kindly mentioned by Skejcior, if you do have Enflame charm unlocked, it's a better choice than Zap for the Cave Devourer).

Damage dealt and resistances:


Notes to equipment:

The best one is obviously falcon set. But if you don't have one a Zaoan helmet, Living Vine Bow, Werewolf necklace or a Sleep Shawl, Prismatic Armor and Legs would suffice.

Notes to refill:

As we can see Avalanches are the best ones to use, along with Spirit Potions. And lots and lots of diamond arrows.

by (1,850 points)
Enflame is better than Zap for Cave Devourer. You even show that on screen >.<
by (1,028 points)
You are right. As I mentioned, this is a recommendation from a video maker, perhaps he didn't have the Enflame charm unlocked. But that's also the reason I posted the statistics, if you have the charm available, you can easily deduct it from it and pick the charm yourself.
P.S. I added this already.