+2 votes
by (5,796 points)

We got a very limited list for VIP contacts in Tibia if you are a Free Account. But what about the friends list that we have now in game? Does it have a limit? Is that limit lower if you are a Free Account? You can send as much invitations you want?

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (7,037 points)
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I only find this:

Bieganie Oven Skeleton: Will there again be a limit to how many characters
you can add on a single server etc? like with the
current clients VIP there is a limit with 100 up to
150 characters only. and it is super frustrating.
Rejana: As far as I know, there is no hard-coded limit to friend lists. There might be an implicit one due to the fact how Tibia works. 

Source: https://www.tibia.com/forum/?action=thread&postid=38725152#post38725152
