+2 votes
by (5,051 points)
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I saw you can select what you want to allow each group to be able to 'check'; but what I can't see is the benefit of all it. Any ideas?

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (5,070 points)
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Best answer

The friend list is something like a social network where you can invite or get invited as a friend.
The friend lists feature lets you keep track of your friends (regardless of the game world or character they are playing on, if they agree to it). With the name of their main character of their account, you can invite friends and sort them into different friend groups: Close Friends, Friends, and Contacts. Via your friend lists, you can see the online status or the last game login of your friends, the account status and loyalty title and a list of all non hidden characters. You are also able to perform a character view that will let you see the complete character summary.

You can config what you want to show or not in this option in the client:

by (3,816 points)
Only that? I thought we could talk to other player even if he is playing in other server... :(
+1 vote
by (46 points)
Cip is trying to create kind a social media inside the game. I seems cool at first look but has it's tricks. Depending how is uoyr configuration anyon can see all you have in game so take care.
0 votes
by (32 points)
Mainly, the benefit is the interaction. Cip wanted to go futher on the "social network" interface of the game than just see who is online or not. You can have friends and colegues on a list where you can check related characters, even in another world, they account and character's status.

I know it seens a little "useless" now, but that definitly opens a door for a whole new spectrum of utilities in the future. Like you use this list for direct interactions like party/exiva/healing/trade or even a inter-worlds chat.