+2 votes
by (5,801 points)

As it says on the title, I want to perform a different search compared to what we have on the official website when we want to search for someone. Some players in the past used to held a specific "surname" on the character name, in order to indicate an allegiance or a "clan": For example, we had the famous family called "Del'Toro" in the past on Isara, where all of the components had the same Del'Toro on the char name (Lucas Del'toro, Diego Del'Toro, etc)...

I want to find a group of character that had identical family names. I can't remember exactly the first name of my friends, but all of them had the same last name on the character name... Is there any good and reliable fansite for this intent with a search engine with this option?

2 Answers

+3 votes
by (17,410 points)
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Best answer
There used to be a lovely fansite that can search up parts of characters' names called Tibia Royal but this fansite is not active and the links no longer work. When I find a better website I will edit my post.
by (5,801 points)
Awesome website! It served for me on what I was searching! Thanks a lot!!!
+1 vote
by (7,047 points)
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Forgotten my first answer, I search in not official fansite and found it:

by (7,047 points)
Forgotten my first answer, I search in not official fansite and found it:

by (5,801 points)
Cool, but even there I can only see names similar to the search if the word appears first on the name, but not if it appears on the second part of the name.

But it helps a bit I guess
by (7,047 points)
I gonna keep searching...