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Hi, dear tibians. Im the person who also decided to start playing again after 15 years pause, some real life things to solve, you know xD

I started playing RP, now I have 108 RP on Bravoria (new server) and I want to go hunt to Oramond minos and continue discovering this place in future.

To do it easier, I see that I need Oramond quest with votings. I do not have real life friends who play Tibia and read a lot of bad understandable information on reddit, wiki about this quest.

So, my question are

1. Which NPC I need to communicate to start Oramond quest (for getting acces to all area after completing)

2. Which task is easy to so on my level and how can I earn the votes. Is it benefit for task completing?

I appreciate any advice. Thanks!

1 Answer

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by (479 points)
Oramond/Rathleton quest is very confusing, but it is what it is.

The fastest way to get votes is by using Probe method (buying 300 points from players), but you need to pay 200-300 Tibia Coins. You can also do it yourself without too much hurry if you don't want to pay the Tibia Coins. I've answered a question on TibiaQA with the method below:


Also here are some already asked questions on TibiaQA that can help you with your question:


Just browse through questions asked and see if it helps you. If not, then come comment on my answer and I will gladly try to help with more information.