0 votes
by (17,406 points)
I heard the votes change every 2 weeks. Is this true, and exactly what day does it change? I heard rumours it's on a Thursday the points change. The reason this is important is that the votes influence raids in Oramond or Rathleton. For example, the raids for Wild Life, Mechanical, and Minotaurs.
related to an answer for: How does the Raids at Oramond work?
Server save on Thursday on EVEN weeks. So week #2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and so on.

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (398 points)
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Best answer

In the Rathleton Quest you can cast points in 4 topics related to Oramond:

  • Shortcut
  • Dungeon (after placing 50 votes)
  • Boss (after placing 150 total votes)
  • Raid (after placing 300 total votes)
The server does indeed register votes for two weeks and the most voted option for each topic gets updated on the server save of each other Thursday. This can be specially important if you want to benefit of a specific option during a Double Experience weekend (specially raid or catacombs topic) or if, on the contrary, you want others to miss what are considered the best options.
I can't help you on the current date, as in: is next Thursday a change or the other one? There is no indicator for this other than your memory.
by (17,406 points)
Is there a source or this is your own answer or it's your own? :O Is it Thursday for all servers that the day gets changed or there's no set date?
by (398 points)
This is my experience and that of players close to me who have kept track on other servers, that it changes on Thursdays every two weeks. After digging on the internet a bit more right now, I found this comment indicating the same information:
If you want to squeeze me a bit more, my friends have also claimed that server shutdowns on thursdays (related to summer/winter updates) can trigger extra  changes, as in: change twice in the same day. But I left this out because I give it less credibility and it is a fringe case.

What I would say is very important is what I mention, the ability to modify the selected choices right before double experience in cases of war / spawn availability.
by (17,406 points)
Thanks for sharing your experience :)
by (564 points)
My experience from Refugia is, that it is the next day after Tibiadrome rotation. Way more people keep track of that :).