I started hunting west raid on 220 ED with 200 RP. We made a tactic where I trapped myself on ED with a
tree in the corner with invisible spell and rp was standing 1/2 sqms from me full surrounded by monsters. I remember that we had a pretty good exp like that.
If you have 3 people in team you can stand with MS in trap on invisible and sio/mas res RP. It should be also good exp for you guys :) Sometimes you need to use energy ring if you are in danger/low hp.
South raid in my opinion is the most dangerous raid for low levels. Minimum level for it should be around 350. Tactic is the same as on west raid, make traps with a tree on the east/west walls.
East raid with GFB. You have to look at the totems because it heals all monsters around. I always start on the on the south side and on the way back i focus more on the middle with north. I lured all monsters from the middle to the north wall, far away from the totems. Also you need to change
Glooth Powered Minotaur into
Depowered Minotaur by luring it on the special sqm. Other way Glooth Powered Minotaur won't take any dmg from you.