+3 votes
by (1,028 points)
I'm mostly concerned with the West Raid, however, it would be great to get some additional info about the South and East ones.
by (4,316 points)
Do you meand start to hunt there alone? Which vocation?
by (1,028 points)
I actually have a druid, an ms, and an rp! That's why it would be perfect to know about all the requirements for the following.
by (1,028 points)
Yes, alone

5 Answers

+3 votes
by (5,051 points)
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Best answer

The easiest one is the east, then west and then south.

For the east and west ones I would go at lvl 250 at least (300 recommended). Because if you are not fast enough killing new creatures ráids Will spawn on your face before you kill the first one. 

  • West one is easy because you just need to keep cleaning, so use Terra set, avalanches and as mlvl as you can.
  • East one is the worse one to hunt because of the tótems that keeps healing the respawn and because of its inmortal minotaurs. This one is only good for me if you want to do charms or have no respawn to hunt in. xd

The south one, the one I Love to hunt is pretty hard to do solo, even for me (rp600+) can get dangerous sometimes. This one i recommend to go on dúo. I started hunting there rp-ed at lvl 400.

Hope I helped

by (17,410 points)
Your answer is super helpful about all the raids thank you
+1 vote
by (6,736 points)

I think it depends at most on your vocation and you didn't even mention about it.

Minimum level also depends on your personal skills so it's hard to provide you a good answer.

In my opinion the best, optimum level to start is about 350. On lower levels hunting west raid is quite dangerous, or if you want to do it safely - then you won't have good enough exp/h. Of course I can see a lot of RPs there with level 250-300 with Emberwings, but they don't even kill whole cave. I suppose that exp/h killing this way, on this level is also bad.

by (17,410 points)
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Yes I agree with 350 I've died like 2x here before because it can be really hard when the raid spawns. EDIT- I didn't downvote you, I upvotted you so Im not sure why someone would downvote you?
by (6,736 points)
Well, who knows... xD
by (5,051 points)
quick fixing. upvote ;)
+1 vote
by (4,451 points)
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I started hunting west raid on 220 ED with 200 RP. We made a tactic where I trapped myself on ED with a tree in the corner with invisible spell and rp was standing 1/2 sqms from me full surrounded by monsters. I remember that we had a pretty good exp like that. 

If you have 3 people in team you can stand with MS in trap on invisible and sio/mas res RP. It should be also good exp for you guys :) Sometimes you need to use energy ring if you are in danger/low hp.

South raid in my opinion is the most dangerous raid for low levels. Minimum level for it should be around 350. Tactic is the same as on west raid, make traps with a tree on the east/west walls. 

East raid with GFB. You have to look at the totems because it heals all monsters around. I always start on the on the south side  and on the way back i focus more on the middle with north. I lured all monsters from the middle to the north wall, far away from the totems. Also you need to change Glooth Powered Minotaur into  Depowered Minotaur by luring it on the special sqm. Other way Glooth Powered Minotaur won't take any dmg from you.

by (17,410 points)
Wasnt me~ someone also downvoted Pochwalona
by (1,028 points)
I cant understand this downvoting without any justification. Guys, come on, leave some room for improvement, please!
P.s. I found your answer most helpful! Thanks :)
by (4,451 points)
Thank you :)
+1 vote
by (17,410 points)
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I'm going to tell you about West Raids as I dont have experience with the other raids so I know this only answers part of your question but it doesnt hurt to include it. I'm a mage, druid 570 right now and I still enjoy hunting there. I started to hunt there around 350 but you need to be careful stick to the walls so that way you dont get surrounded. You can use earth set or protection or a mix of the two. Critical inbument on the rod will make it easier for you to kill things faster. I enjoy spawning my grovebeast there. Big tip is if your not familiar with the spawn spawn your level 200 monster to help you out. Dont go so deep inside the raid when it happens as you can find yourself overwhelmed. I hope you enjoy. Also please use ultimates here great manas won't do it and use avalanche.
0 votes
by (4,316 points)
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Talking about paladins you can start here between level 250-300 it will depends on your equips and skills. Some players might have started to hunt there early some later it will depends also about you ability to play and how confident you feel but lvl 250 with skills distance 110 and ml 30 you will have no problem.