+2 votes
by (5,801 points)
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Some mobs tend to be extremely rare to find and since charm points are valuable nowadays for Tibia game meta, I ask myself: What can I do in order to "snag" a bestiary kill if there is a rare creature being killed right in front of me? It is not always that people tend to accept parties in order to share a bestiary kill, so I have this doubt in my mind...

5 Answers

+2 votes
by (7,046 points)
Just punch it and make at least 1 hit point of damage before dead of the creature.
by (5,051 points)
exactly, 1 point of damage is enough
+2 votes
by (32 points)
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Best answer
To get the kill counted on your bestiary, you got to get at least 1 hitpoint damage. Just one! Easy like that. That's why most people just use firebombs or gfbs to burst all the cave when it's full on a rapid respawn weekend.

But, for loot or quest purposes there is a different criteria. Each boss/monster has a minimum contribution you have to give to get the right of the loot or to complete the quest mission. Of course that's not a known formula, but I think it doesn't need to be just damage dealt, but may include healing of blockers or even damage taken (blocker duty) and such.

Hope have helped!
by (5,801 points)
Cool! Good to know that the criteria is different compared to other circunstances!
+1 vote
by (105 points)
Damage dealt only needs to be a minimum of 1 to 'tag' the creature  for charms prior to you or someone else killing it. You can also be away from the creature and still get exp / credit for your Charms as long as you stay online.

This happens all the time at Draptor raids :D
+1 vote
by (3,827 points)
Most people uses firebombs to bestiary so I think its at least 1 hp as long as the creatures dies before you logout
–1 vote
by (4,316 points)
I'm not 100% sure about it, but you must deal enough damage to earn at least 1 point of experience. I don't know if it's possible to hit a monster and do not get any XP.
by (5,051 points)
Wrong, remember that some creatures that are on the bestiary don't give experience: dogs, cats, fish, etc. ^^
by (44 points)
Beix is right, you just need hit dealing 1 fo damage