+1 vote
by (398 points)
Is it the same for creatures and for bosses, to count towards their respective counts?

Does it matter if I logout and then login, as long as I am online when it is killed?

In the case of lootbag bosses, is there a timer for me to be considerated for loot? Think for examble on Gaz'haragoth that rewards people who did damage. Is there a timer to this reward? Is it different than the one for bosstiary (if either exists)?

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (398 points)

I ran some tests myself since no answer could be provided.

For this tests, I had to use Bane & Archfoe bosses since there were no Nemesis spawned and my friends didn't want to risk a Dreamcourts boss loss, but we can assume they work the same.

To the question is there a time limit for a boss to count towards Bosstiary?
-Yes. The limit is 5 minutes. It is the same limit as a regular creature for it to count towards Bestiary, so if you are Nemesis-hunting and hit it, be aware your timer may run out.

Is there a time limit to get loot from a boss you have damaged?
-Yes. The limit is 30 minutes. Between 5 and 30 you don't receive a Bosstiary point but are eligible for loot.

–2 votes
by (15 points)
If you are logged you will get the kill credit.
If you die, sometimes the game register you "loged out" and you won't get the kill credit. I happened to me against Gaz. I died just before they killed the boss and did not got loot.
As long i know, there is no "time limit", as long as you are logged.
by (17,406 points)
Maybe you can do tests for the timing
by (328 points)
I'm pretty sure there is a time limit, specially in nemesis bosses when you hit the boss and wait a long time for your friends to appear. I don't know what is the limit, but I would consider 5 minutes, the same that is used for bestiary.
by (6,736 points)
I think this is not entirely true.
Some people who beat a particular boss may not get credit at all, even though they made a dmg and did not die during that fight.

Example: Gaz'haragoth, where my friend who dealt more damage than me didn't get credit, and I did.