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by (1,028 points)
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In Nimmersatt's Breeding Grounds we are facing 7 dragons that gain the abilities of the fallen predecessors - is there any order of killing them which is safest/smoothest?

1 Answer

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by (1,205 points)
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This is the order my team and I have been using and it has been working out well for us. There could be a better method but that would of course involves some trial and error. 

Order to pull levers: Bottom left, bottom right, bottom right, bottom left, middle, right, left

Notes on which attacks to use & the abilities of the boss:

Maliz: No earth of fire 
Desport: No fire or holy, Debuffs Skills 
Crultor- No ice or fire, Roots 
Vengar- No fire, Fears 
Greedok- No sd, fire, or earth, Hexs 
Vilear- No energy, Mana drains 
Bruton- No physical or fire, Heals up to 7K HP
You can easily combat the fear mechanic by using bombing yourself and the blocker. 
Have the EK in the center of the room and shooters at a diagonal to avoid any waves.
Good Luck! :) 
