+3 votes
by (5,766 points)
I had this question since the time that I arrived in Tibia. What could be the answer? Will I get some experience or none at all?
by (17,404 points)
Great question if no one tries this after work I will definitely test this out

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (5,046 points)
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I knew you get exp, but I didn't know how much of it, so I have just tested in a Monk.

  • Experience it gives: 200
  • Hp: 240

I hit it until red:

  • 19:24 A monk loses 117 hitpoints due to your attack. 

Then I waited it to heal himself completely and asked a friend to come over and kill it:

  • 19:24 A monk loses 38 hitpoints due to an attack by Walt Warz. 
  • 19:24 A monk loses 202 hitpoints due to an attack by Walt Warz. 


  • Experience (take in mind that it is double experience right now),:
    • 19:24 Walt Warz gained 208 experience points. (~104 without double exp)
    • 19:24 You gained 190 experience points. (~96 without double exp)
  • Loot:
    • My friend was the one abled to open the corpse first.

So, yes, you get experience, but only half it, since another player is taking again the exactly same hp u took from the creature.

About the loot, it goes to the person who dealt more damage (in this case, my friend, since it took his whole life).

by (2,271 points)
Came here checking to see if someone had asked this because of something that happened today. Many thanks +1
by (5,046 points)
urw ^^
 credits to fpopp for asking such and interesting question