Severity Level
Depending on how serious the rule violation was, the corresponding entry in the rule violation record is put into one of five categories:
"Very Mild", "Mild", "Moderate", "Severe" and "Very Severe".
Conduct Level
Additionally, based on the your rule violations, your accounts standing is indicated by a conduct level indicator button which comes in various colors. "green indicates the most harmless level, while yellow, orange, red and finally black indicate a progressively more serious situation. If your account's conduct level is green, for example, you have only committed minor rule violations or a long time has passed since you last violated the Tibia Rules. On the other hand, if your account's conduct level is black, you have violated the Tibia Rules many times or in a very serious manner. It is important to note that as your conduct level colour gets darker, further punishments will result in progressively tougher punishments. In other words, the darker your conduct level colour the closer your account is to deletion!"
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