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by (17,406 points)
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I know there was name rules like you couldn't pretend to be someone with a similar name or something like that also celebrities. But what other rules were there that got changed over the years?

1 Answer

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Tibia rules from 2001.08.16:


Rules and instructions

for your behaviour in Tibia.



Players from all over the world meet in the online role-playing game Tibia. In order to ensure that this game is fun for everyone, we expect a reasonable and friendly behaviour of all players.


Some trusted players have been appointed as "Gamemasters". They have been given the power of banishing accounts or characters of other players from the game, so that they can keep away destructive players and people showing unfitting behaviour.


The following offences may lead to banishments:

  1. Characters with insulting (e.g. "Bastard"), racist (e.g. "Nigger"), extremely right-wing (e.g. "Hitler"), or sexist (e.g. "Bitch") names or player information.

  2. Characters with names consisting of sentences (e.g. "Who are you"), unreasonable combinations of letters (e.g. "fgfshdsfg", "aaaaaaa" or "b"), senseless formattings (e.g. "F R E D" or "mRCoOl"), names of objects (e.g. "christmastree", "a wolf"), names of real-life celebrities (e.g. "Britney Spears"), or names which were created to cause confusion with existing player names (e.g. "Arieswer" instead of "Arieswar")

  3. Any kind of insulting, obscene, racist, extremely right-wing, or sexist statements in the game or on the official website.

  4. Exploiting obvious errors of the game ("bugs"), for instance duplicating items or killing players in protection zones (Quentin's Temple and the depot). If you find a new bug, you are required to report it to CIP Productions immediately (Email: cip@tibia.org).

  5. Intentionally misusing weaknesses in the gameplay. For example by repeatedly shouting long sentences (so called "spamming"), blocking other players in a protection zone, pushing of players from protection zones in order to kill them, or arranging objects or players in a way, that other players cannot move them.

  6. Massive random playerkilling. This includes traps that are not specifically targeted at certain persons.

  7. Unprovokedly killing of low-level characters (characters on or below the 10th level).

  8. Threatening or insulting a gamemaster for his actions or his role as a gamemaster. Claiming to be a gamemaster or claiming to have influence on the decisions of gamemasters.

  9. Intentional untruthfulness towards a gamemaster concerning his investigations, e.g. intentionally false reports about rule violations, faking screenshots, etc.

  10. Bugged characters. They are banished in every case, regardless of their behaviour or previous record.

Killing other players is NO reason for banishment as long as the rules above are respected! However, we ask every player to show consideration for new and inexperienced players ("newbies").


The duration of a banishment can last up to 30 days and is determined by the banishing gamemaster. A banishment can involve a blocking of the IP-address of the banished player for 24 hours, which is also up to the gamemaster. Additionally, the gamemasters have the possiblity to teleport a character back to his starting position in the temple. In severe cases and in cooperation with CIP permanent removal of accounts or characters can be considered.


Anybody who thinks that his punishment is unjustified or too severe should announce this by a formal complaint on the "Gamemaster Board".


Have a lot of fun in Tibia!

Your CIP Team

Source: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1QqQjG_NWgMZnqbQmYQKUzwk9VNqm5gfH

by (17,406 points)
thanks for your answer but maybe editing it a bit as the layout looks weird (the chart)
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