0 votes
by (17 points)
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Greetings everyone!

 I would like to ask if it's possible to block completely the spawn of the reward container creatures (such as Ocyakao, Shlorg, Tyrn, Zushuka, etc), or it will spawn no matter what. I'm a boss hunter, never witnessed that but I think that since we don't have an official reply from Cipsoft, sharing some experiences about that could be helpful to many people as possible. Anyone have seen that happen before? Have a great day.
by (5,796 points)
Hello. I had to edit your question in accordance with TibiaQA standards. Just remember next time that you have to make always a question in your title. Thanks, and it is good to have you here! :)
by (17 points)
Oh sorry about that, I'm new on the forums. Noted! :)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (1,874 points)
Bosses like Ocyakao, The Welter and Shlorg have already spawned in front of me. So, it is not possible to block their spawn.
by (17 points)
Thank you for your reply! I tested Ocyakao and he appeared to me in his last window day (10th day).