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by (233 points)
Last Handmaiden was killed 25 days ago. Now website shows no chance for its spawn. On the up floor was standing low lvl cheecker 24/7.
Is it possible that he blocked spawn of the boss?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (441 points)

I would say yes.

 From many articles and from my own experience bossess appear some time after reset floor happened so it was possible that you blocked reset floor (even if you were upper floor) and boss didn't spawn.

Source: Tibia Bosses

by (23 points)
This "reset floor" theory is super hard to prove and is always based on single facts or by people that are boss checkers, but hate boss campers. I think most of this is influenced in a way to force people to avoid camping. What is a FACT and is known: there are MULTIPLE bosses that are unblockable, a huge number of them can't be blocked and they may spawn in front of your eyes (there are reports and videos). However, there are some bosses that we have no report/proof of them appearing in front of a player, so MAYBE those are blockable, but it is much hard to prove. About the "reset floor" theory, it is just a weak theory. Regarding PoI, I don't have any data on them, sorry.
by (441 points)
But according to theory bosses doesn't spawn with reset floors but some time after so it's possible to have boss spawn on your eyes (I've seen it on my own couple of times).
I noticed many times that camped boss almost 24/7 was able to be blocked
by (23 points)
I'm a camper myself. While I don't camp 24/7, I wake at server save time (5 AM in SA) and stay 3h-6h camping depending on the day of the week. I've got many bosses that way, spawning at my screen (and killing my low level char). While this "reset floor" theory is POSSIBLE, I think it is SUPER hard to prove. There are more bosses that are impossible to block than the ones that are possible to block.