0 votes
by (1,205 points)
I'm starting to work on bosstiary for bane bosses and it would be really helpful to have a definitive list of bane bosses that can be blocked from spawning. Knowing which will help me figure out the best way to work on bosstiary :)

I've noticed that some bosses spawn upon entering the boss room for example the Vengoth vampire bosses- Arthei, Boreth, Lersatio, Marziel so these types of bosses can't be blocked.

Some bosses spawn on screen such as the Isle of Evil bosses- Doctor Perhaps, Dirt Beard, Mephiles, Boogey, Monstor, Evil Mastermind.

Some bosses which can be blocked such as Heoni. Are there any others that can be blocked?

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (1,874 points)

I don't have a complete list, but here are the ones I know are blockable:

Diseased Dan

Diseased Bill

Diseased Fred



Enusat The Onyx Wing

by (781 points)
I believe all Issavi Bane bosses can be blocked.
by (1,874 points)
No,  I've seen Bragrumol spawn on my screen and, if I remember correctly, Mozradek as well.
by (781 points)
Ah okay. I must have just had bad luck with them.