+2 votes
by (5,730 points)
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Pretty much as the main question, on my server today could appears Shrolg, I went to the cave and there is a guy killing the bog raiders, I was outside waiting but he stay there for like 30 min, he actually kill the bog raiders, and stay on the safe spot and then run again to kill the bog raiders. He also used the coal basin, for no reason.

I'm not sure, but is possible that of do this, he could "block" the spawn of the boss?
by (6,736 points)
One of the sentence here is not finished, so I'm not sure what you mean there, but hope my answer is helpful.

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (495 points)
When it comes to Rookgaard bosses (Munster, Apprentice Sheng, Teleskor, Rottie The Rotworm) it's not possible to block their spawn, they spawn next to players.
0 votes
by (34 points)
From my experience people sometimes light up the coal basins to trick others players to think Shrolg appeared and it was killed. I would suggest you to keep checking regardless of someone being there or basins lighted up.

To give you a more general answer, some bosses can be blocked by being on the same floor or close to the spawning point, others can appear right in front of you, others like Grand Mother Fourscale can be blocked if there's no available spots around for her to appear. If I'm gonna camp a boss I try to stay at least one floor up/down and check each 30-1h just to make sure I can't block respawn.