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by (40 points)
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Known to me:
1) Spells Cooldowns

Independent to Items cooldown

2) Items USE Cooldowns: [Potions, Runes, Tools, Weapons]

Runes apply also attack/healing/support spell cooldown

3) Items EQUIP Cooldowns
Looks like it is 100 ms. I can not equip 2 items pieces at the same time I need to wait approx 100 ms.

4) Loot from floor cooldown
(sometimes I have to click twice if I do it very fast, it's due to keystroke delay? I have set it to 100 ms)

5) Items OPEN Cooldowns?

Do you know more limitations and correlations and dependencies between them? Meaby do you know the exact numbers?

Generally, what do you know abut this topic?

I recognise if I use rune 100-200 ms b4 exhaust ends I will trow it immediately. I am looking for details like that.
by (5,796 points)
I improved the question wording. Nice question.

1 Answer

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by (40 points)

Using Potion and Equiping Ring does not work at the same time.
There is an exhaust even with 0 ms key delay, It says you use potion but nothing happens. 
Probably the exhaust value is less than 100 ms.

The same applies to:

  • opening BP and using mana potion,

  • moving object on the ground and using mana potion

Looks like aggressive spells gives 2 sec [4 sec in case of UE etc.] CD on auto attack. Can anyone confirm? Or extend?

  • if spam Exori Con my paladin keep skipping autoattacks. And the spell remain only source of DMG.