+2 votes
by (5,796 points)
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What are the spells that used to exist in Tibia but now they do not exist anymore?

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (7,037 points)

Some removed spells are:

Source: Deprecated (tibia.fandom.com)

by (5,796 points)
Post here some heads up about Spell Scroll being related to many spells actually ;)
by (7,037 points)
Spell Scrolls were used in the past as a way to learn spells. Back then, paladins could buy a Summon Creature Spell scroll and use it when the said paladin advanced to magic level 16.
Spell Scrolls are not sold anymore, however some characters that learned spells exclusive to other vocations from spell scrolls existed until Update 10.55 when vocation requirement was also applied while casting spells, not just while buying them.
+1 vote
by (17,406 points)
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Best answer

  Removed Spells in Tibia




Poison Storm

“Exevo Gran Mas Pox”

This spell was replaced in the Winter Update 2007 by Wrath of Nature and Eternal Winter due to vocation balance and spell revamps.

Ultimate Explosion

“Exevo Gran Mas Vis” (spell words still used, just different spell)

This spell was replaced by Hell's Core and Rage of the Skies spells in the Winter Update 2007 due to vocation balance and spell revamps. This spell dealt a lot of damage over a large area surrounding the caster. This spell was dangerous in PvP worlds because it had such a large area of effect and could easily lead to a Red Skull or a Banishment.

Undead Legion “Exana Mas Mort”

It could also be used to block paths and since there was no limit to the number of Skeletons you could create

It was removed from the game with the Winter Update 2010.

Conjure Diamond Arrow “Exevo Gran Con Hur”

This spell was removed with the Vocation Adjustments Update 2020 due to NPCs selling them now

Conjure Spectral Bolt “Exevo Gran Con Vis”

This spell was removed with the Vocation Adjustments Update 2020 due to NPCs selling them now

Conjure Sniper Arrow “Exevo Con Hur”

This spell was removed with Summer Update 2017.

Conjure Royal Star “Exevo Gran Con Grav”

This spell was removed with Summer Update 2017.

Conjure Power Bolt “Exevo Con Vis”

This spell was removed with Summer Update 2017.

Conjure Poisoned Arrow 
“Exevo Con Pox”

This spell was removed with Summer Update 2017.

Conjure Piercing Bolt “Exevo Con Grav”

This spell was removed with Summer Update 2017.

Conjure Bolt “Exevo Con Mort”

This spell was removed with Summer Update 2017.

Enchant Staff "Exeta Vis"This spell was replaced by Conjure Wand of Darkness with Summer Update 2017.

Alito Mas Ina para para

Internal "debugging tools" for either testers or GMs not meant for players to use. This spell was removed in 2019 as players were accidentally able to use it.

The spell alito mas ina <range 1-6> <type?> displays every single tile that has the tile state of <type?> attached within <range>. So it would show you the depot squares where items wouldn't disappear after ss.

Norefresh Fields Aleta Vis GravInternal "debugging tools" for either testers or GMs not meant for players to use. This spell was removed in 2019 as players were accidentally able to use it.
Shows whether you are currently standing inside a refresh zone or not.

 *For more information on what's believed to be leaked GM spells, please see this TibiaQA question- Did Gamemasters have spells? I didn't include them in this list because they could possibly still work for those who are worthy of using the spells. Of course, GMs don't exist but there's still Tibia staff and these spells aren't intended for the use of regular players.

*As Trulu mentioned, Spell Scrolls were an item back in the day that you could use and obtain a spell. There's a related question about this on TibiaQA here, What were Spell Scrolls?
