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by (1,850 points)
Hi, as paladin I am curious "Is the momentum worth for me if my spell cooldowns are so short?"

1 Answer

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by (2,426 points)
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Momentum can be useful for all vocations, because all of them have spells with cooldowns longer than 2s. As you implied, Momentum is easier to take advantage of for spells with longer cooldowns, but you can also benefit from it on spells with cooldowns as small as 4s. For paladins, I'd highlight the following:

  • Divine Caldera: On most hunts, this spell is used every 4 seconds by the Paladin. If you're fast enough you can cast it again when Momentum is triggered right after casting it. This halves the cooldown of the spell, which can be quite powerful when used correctly. The challenge here is, undoubtedly, paying attention to the Momentum effect and reacting quickly.
  • Divine Dazzle: This spell is known for its long cooldown and it's often not enough to keep creatures in melee form long enough (unless combo'ed with a knight's Chivalrous Challenge). Reductions on its cooldown can be quite useful, and because the cooldown is 16s it's not as hard to manage as Divine Caldera. 
  • Sharpshooter: The spell cooldown is 10 seconds, which is also its duration. So even though you can chain it multiple times without losing the effect, with Momentum you can use it sooner if you want to make sure you lost the effect. (It won't be useful in this case because of the primary group cooldown, as pointed out by Niime in the comments).
  • Summon Paladin Familiar: As with other vocations, Paladins will also benefit from Momentum on their Familiar spell, and over its 15 min duration several procs of Momentum can reduce the cooldown significantly. 

by (360 points)
Hi Lee! Nice answer as always, but I think there's a small mistake. Sharpshooter primary cooldown group (Support) is 10 seconds. I believe this got changed during the vocation balance. It's strange because even the in-game Spell List says the primary cooldown group is 2 seconds, but if you actually cast the spell you get the 10 second Support cooldown. Since Momentum doesn't affect primary cooldown groups, Sharpshooter has no benefits from it.
by (2,426 points)
Oh, indeed, I completely overlooked the group cooldowns when I thought about the answer. Thanks for the correction!