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by (104 points)

Momentum, which grants a chance every two seconds to reduce all existing spell cooldowns by two seconds if the battle sign is present. This affects individual spell cooldown and the secondary group cooldown, but not the primary group cooldown.

1 Answer

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by (5,318 points)
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It means all spells are affected as each of them got individual cool-down. Example:

You are using Hell’s Core with:

Primary Group attack 4 seconds 

Secondary Group Attack 40 seconds 

And Individual Group attack 40 seconds 

After momentum cool-downs will look like :

Primary Group attack 4 seconds (remains same)

Secondary Group Attack 38 seconds 

And Individual Group attack 38 seconds 

Another Example for spell Ignite:

Group cool down 2 seconds

Individual cool down 30 seconds

After momentum:

Group cool-down 2 seconds

Individual cool Dow 28 seconds

But it seems it will be useless with strike spells like: Ice Strike and it will not help you with most of Support spells apart: Expose Weakness, Sharp Shooter, Swift foot, Blood Rage, Divine Dazzle, Sap Strenght, Summons, Protector, Conjure Wand of Darkness.

It is designed for strong spells.

by (104 points)
I was so confused, now I kind of get it, thanks.

It just useless or it looks like that only to me? XD
by (5,318 points)
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It is not useless considering that it can be triggered every 2 seconds and can stack on each other. In my opinion- yes it less desirable than other two effects, but, to win the boss (more frequent powerful spells) or critical moments will be useful.  Imagine you are EK and use fierce berserk & front swip all the time because cool down allows you. It will be good for players who got really good control over character - who react to what is happening on the screen and accordingly to situation and does not play “automatically”.
Not to mention It is amazing for Mages for waives etc.