+2 votes
by (5,318 points)
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Is the price changing depending on the equipment or perhaps the level of tier? How much does it cost?
by (1,534 points)
i really need this answer, yet so far i know:

class 1 t1:200k
class 2 t1: 750k

i think i read that those prices doesn't scale but i can't confirm it rn

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (1,534 points)
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Best answer

After some time tibia wiki was able to collect enough data to show us a table that provide the prices like this:

Tier ChangeClass 1Class 2Class
Class 4
0 → 125k750k4kk8kk
1 → 2--5kk10kk20kk
2 → 3----20kk40kk
3 → 4------65kk
4 → 5------100kk
5 → 6------250kk
6 → 7------750kk
7 → 8------2.5kkk
8 → 9------8kkk
9 → 10------15kkk

So as we can see certainly the price depends on both the tier and the class of the equipment to upgrade, increasing to considerably high numbers as 2.5kkk per try, is important to notice that these prices are per attempt which doesn't have 100% success rate not even using exalted cores which lead to even higher expenses, also there are certain events that if you are lucky could help you reduce the expenses, trigger with a low chance but could save between other things the gold spent in that attempt.

Source: Fandom Wiki Equipment upgrade

–1 vote
by (112 points)
It depends on the class and the tier, being class 4 the most expensive to upgrade and the cost would increase with each tier.
by (112 points)
Why did my answer got a downvote? I was trying to help
by (1,534 points)
wasn't mine, but use comments when you want to add something that wasn't proper for a whole answer,
by (5,318 points)
I would go with any numbers you know so far to improve your answer. Simply because this can mean 2gp, 4k gp or anything higher…imagine you coming back to game and you trying to get price- for something which seems to be static in some places, and you get this answer.  Bit too generic - but I am sure you can improve it !
by (2,564 points)
Exactly, this answer still needs some work and research. We want numbers :)