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by (59 points)
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Hello everyone

I'm an MS and just gott my tiered helmet, I haven't found a good online explanation regarding momentum and how to utilize it properly as MS, so I would like your help.

Also, is there' a good way of knowing when did I get the proc? because things tend to be chaotic in team hunts :)

Thanks in advance!

2 Answers

0 votes
by (3,816 points)
When a hourglass icon appears in your chars head that means momentum was triggered

You can use more spells when it triggers usually a exevo vis hur or flam hur it depends of your current cd of spells
0 votes
by (1,208 points)
As a druid I also wanted to focus in my momentum so here is some strategies i've used and worked well:

1. Turn Off your spells and spells of others of the game Window. This way you will see easily the mommentum animation. (Settings > Interface > Game Windows > Show Spells/ Show Spells of others)

2. Add to your action bar your spells. So will see if they are still on cooldown.

3. Be patient. An attack turn is every 2 seconds, so try to no spam bottons while waiting the attack cd.