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by (7,016 points)
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How is the prey expiration timer triggered ? Is there any difference in this timer among the prey bonuses?

- Experience

- Attack

- Defense

- Loot
by (5,766 points)
Could you please improve your question structure?
I believe that you are asking about "How is it triggered the prey expiration timer? Is there any difference in this timer among the prey bonuses?"

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (142 points)
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Best answer

Yes, there are some differences. Exp/loot preys expires as you kill monsters, damage expires as you hit something, and def as you get hit.

As per the comments below I'm updating answer with additional info: timers are the same as for exp/loot afaik, the only difference is the action which trigger it.

by (5,318 points)
What about the timers?  What about attack?
by (142 points)
They are the same as for exp/loot afaik, the only difference is the action which trigger it.
by (5,318 points)
Please add it to your answer rather leaving it in the comment. Also try to add info about timers.