+1 vote
by (725 points)
Within the prey hunting system, we know there are easy, medium, and hard creatures. Is there currently a list available of which creatures belong in each category?
by (328 points)
I think that it is probably related with the difficulty level that is measured by the number of stars in Cyclopedia (from 1 to 5). I just don't know how many stars for each category. However, that are creatures marked as common, like the Ravenous Lava Lurker, that will never appear in the random selection, only if you pay 5 cards to select. I saw the list of excluded monster here in TibiaQA.

1 Answer

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by (21 points)
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Here you can find a complete list of bestiary entries and sort/filter by difficulty:

by (17,406 points)
hmm weren't the soul creatures added to the hard hunting task list?