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Where can I find a bracket for how much time is left for my imbu items + prey timers?

I can no longer see it in the "analytics selector"

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (284 points)
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About prey you can check it by clicking in the open prey window button, however if you saw it before and not now check on settings>interface>control buttons maybe you deactivated it withouth noticing.

About imbuements there is also an individual button that it's called imbuement tracker window again if you don't see check on settings.

The green circle is the prey window button and the red one open and close the imbuement tracker window.

by (17,406 points)
What about imbuement?
by (284 points)
edited by
I had no information about that and posted an answer with the information that I did have, however after some research I learnt about the complete answer. I edited it.
by (5,796 points)
Nice edit. Thanks for the information!