+3 votes
by (17,406 points)
I want to know if I'm able to hand in tokens as a Free Account to obtain the Royal Costume outfit and then also wear it as a Free Account? Thank you :)

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (1,142 points)
selected by
Best answer

You can indeed obtain and wear this outfit as a free account - it was confirmed by CM Skerio.

Source: https://www.tibia.com/forum/?action=thread&postid=39252120#post39252120

by (2,217 points)
LOL. I posted a answer a minute after you did :)
by (1,142 points)
I won by seconds indeed :D
by (1,669 points)
And it was me who asked the original question on the Auditorium ~2 weeks ago: :P
+1 vote
by (2,217 points)

Yes, Royal Costume is obtainable and wearable through free accounts. CM Skerio replied to a similar question from a player.

Similarly to the golden outift, will free account players be able to get and to wear the Royal Costume Outfit too?

Yes, the royal costume is indeed comparable to the golden outfit in this regard

Source: https://www.tibia.com/forum/?action=thread&postid=39252120#post39252120
