+1 vote
by (524 points)
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In the middle of  2003-2007 Sorcerers were the most powerful on pvp but it was so difficult to lvl up, cause runes and potions were expansive and capacity was limited. The knights were the most complete, they could hunt for long time and couldn't die. For a long time all top players on a server were knights.

What is the most powerful vocation in tibia Today? Both in terms of pvp and pve

7 Answers

+2 votes
by (7,037 points)
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Best answer


In low levels (New servers) Sorcerer are the best because Sudden Death do a lot damage.

In open wars the best is Sorcerer.


To gains bosses (Like Ferumbra's) Druid is the best.

 But to bosses like Jaul the best is Paladin.

To search team to hunt the best are Druid/Knight.

To lure the best is Knight.

To make profit Paladin (Solo).

To start in Tibia the best is Paladin.


by (576 points)
I disagree 100% on your pvp points. Low level sorcerer can be considered the best if its a new server or the person is poor. Other than that druid beats sorcerer in every aspect. (The only reason ms would be better for new servers / poor ppl is cuz of the wand of darkness)

In open wars, depending on pvp type, Sorcerer is either the worst or second worst on decent levels. Open pvp knight is ass and is the worst, retro and retro hc sorcerer is the worst by far. It just doesn't add anything to the teams dynamic.
by (7,037 points)
As you say, MY points its all.
+1 vote
by (3,816 points)
Well now most of players says that druid is a lot better than sorcerers and that paladin got a lot better than knights but now all vocations can get lvl more easily than before. And there is top lvls in all vocation now but the highest lvl still is a knight.
by (524 points)
isnt true, in all new servers the tops are a druids and sorcerers, even on old servers the mages up more levels than others, the knights are on top only due to remnants to old era, and this is simple to check cause in 700+ levels knights need a sio to heal.
by (3,816 points)
You asked for an opinion so thats mine ;) there is no right or wrong... but yeah mages can pg a lot more easily now...
+1 vote
by (5,070 points)
Most powerful vocation in Tibia is the Paladin, they have to be nerfed because they win every single boss since they have a very high combo and with spells they can raise their distance skills to something like 180 , and thats insane so its almost impossible for the rest of the vocations to win a boss.

Then EKs also can have nice combos for bosses.

In overall Paladins are the most powerful , and the weakest voc for me are the Sorcerers because they have limited spells , they dont have combos and they are like druids but with less things to do.
by (524 points)
Paladins for make bosses and profit is better than all others, but in terms of exp only in party x4 or high level like a 500+
199- os the worst for exp, in a new servers mages are the better for rush, in all new worlds like a 1-2 years the tops are mages.
0 votes
by (4,311 points)
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All vocations has good and bad things. There is no powerful vocation in my opinion
by (524 points)
some have more good thinks than the others, please tell us what is :D
0 votes
by (16 points)
money /medium tank / boss= rp

tank/ exp / money = ek

fast lvl and boss= ed / ms

everything varies according to the situation but in general ranges I see it this way
–1 vote
by (51 points)

This question is very relative, because before knowing what vocation is the most "powerful" you must understand and know what role you want to play in the game!

  • If u wanna be the top physical damage of the team but being super fragile (Paladin)
  • The top magic damage of the team but even more fragile (Sorcerer)
  • Be the tank that holds the blows by the team (Knight)
  • The team ambulance and second top magic damage of the team (Druid)
Just think what you want to be!
by (524 points)
sorry isnt is
In the middle of  2003-2007 Sorcerers were the most powerful on pvp but it was so difficult to lvl up, cause runes and potions were expansive and capacity was limited. The knights were the most complete, they could hunt for long time and couldn't die. For a long time all top players on a server were knights.

What is the most powerful vocation in tibia Today? Both in terms of pvp and pve
–2 votes
by (14 points)
Imo, now adays its kind of balanced.
