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by (7,037 points)
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Taking into account the last changes, what are the vocation with more survivability in a PvP situation?

PvP situation: A small team (3-5 players) vs small team (3-5 players) or 1 Player.
by (5,796 points)
Could you please elaborate on it?
For example, are you talking about war situations where there is several mages attacking someone? Or one on one combats? I need more information or this would fall in a "too broad question" :)
by (7,037 points)
Done, I add the pvp situation to be more clear.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (58 points)
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For obvious reasons a knights and paladins will survive most time than mages, but the ones that are needed to PK are mages for the usage of Sudden death runes / paralize / magic walls, etc