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by (17,406 points)
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I'm torn as to whether a Knight or Paladin would be better for training purposes. I'm assuming Mages are the best when it comes to training various skills. For example, in the VALOUR Tournament we had the ability to get points from skills. I know as a Knight I can train lots of things but so can a Paladin. I just want to know which vocation is better when it comes to getting the most skills the fastest. The more detailed you are in your answer I will appreciate it thank you!

1 Answer

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by (65 points)
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Based on the formulas found in tibia wiki, it would be paladin : 


Paladin has advantage over EK, as they can skill up faster distance and magic level. Although Knight have the fastest weapon/fist ratio, paladin is not far behind. 
Shielding is the same for both vocation, and fishing is the same for all. 

In my personal opinion the order would be : Paladin, Knight, Druid and then Sorcerer. 
