+4 votes
by (1,534 points)
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Every vocation have their pros and cons, every vocation have their speciality but in a teamhunt everyone play a role that increase either the survivability, the damage or the quickness of a teamhunt, so giving specific tasks into a teamhunt based on the role that each vocation play can release the tension that lay on a vocation to perform the childest teamhunt or maybe adding seriousness instead to perform the most calculated and precise teamhunt or adding controllable risk to perform the most daring one, but the point will be to setup the best developed teamhunt with the most reasonable balance of tasks to do.

There are basic things like:

  • Knight should tank the most ammount of damage
  • Druid Must take care of the tank and itself
  • Sorcerer should use its waves/beams wisely
  • Paladin should do every as possible to maintain their constant damage

But there are things that are much more flexible and also, doesn't fit with every team. For example;

  • sorcerer pulling mobs
  • paladins performing a secondary box (5 mobs close to knight fullbox)
  • paladin looting instead of ek
  • ek taking the aggro away from mages
  • ed sacryfing a few of survivabilty to improve the damage, etc 

So, when it's time to perform a teamhunt:

  1. what do u think is the role that each vocation should play to perform the best teamhunt? 
  2. what should each voc do?
  3. what must they avoid? 
  4. How and why that set-up will improve the teamhunt?
  5. what is that teamhunt oriented toward?

This post take into account that maybe there isn't a 100% balanced teamhunt where everyone have equality of responsibilities but instead a well developed reason to delegate responsibilities in favor of managing in the best way a comfortable team.

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (5,051 points)
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  1. What do u think is the role that each vocation should play to perform the best teamhunt? and What should each voc do? 
    • Well as you said, the role of each vocation is not the same for every respawns, sometimes paladins have to tank mobs close to the knight, sometimes they don't. But I will give my opinion about what I think every vocation should do.
      • Knights: 
        • Obviously they must tank the mobs in a box
        • Keep doing exeta res if the creatures retarget
        • Use exeta res for creatures that run away in red hp so they don't
        • Loot the creatures when they die so the possible stacked corpses don't delay the hunt
        • Put bombs for the ED if possible
        • Use bomb under his own feet in order to avoid summons to get an spot close to him: For example energy bomb in prison (for the energy elementals) or in sewers of Issavi (for the elite warrior skeleton)
      • Paladins:
        • Stay 2 sqm away the Ek (North, South, East or West) so the exevo mas san spells hit all the 8 creatures.
        • Attack the creature on the North, South, East or West of the EK so the diamond arrow attack the full box.
        • Keep using arrow-exevo mas san-arrow-rune
        • Lure if possible
        • Surround of creatures if possible
        • Protect the ED and MS from creatures out of the box
        • Loot creatures' corpses away from the EK
      • ED:
        • Heal the Ek as main sio
        • Heal the RP as secondary sio
        • Do gran mas res to heal all members of the party, himself included: For me a good ED stays on HP (without utamo vita). And if necessary use energy ring, when he is under heavy attack and he must heal the EK.
        • Point himself in the right sqm to use his spells on the box
        • UE creatures when they are red/black hp.
      • MS:
        • Do as much damage as possible: for this he must point himself in the right sqm to use all his spells in the right order.
        • Lure if possible
        • UH the EK/RP if necessary
        • UE creatures when they are red/black hp.

  2. What must they avoid? 
    • EK:
      • Get trapped away from the sio, or leaving a lot of creatures out of his box.
      • Loot when all the creatures are dead: this delay the hunt
    • ED: 
      • Heal himself instead of healing the EK: The cooldown this causes makes an EK to die.
      • Do not take the right spot to use spells, or do the spells to the wrong direction.
      • Do not let the MS to use his spells, staying in the only sqm where they can be used
      • Use utamo vita if it is not needed.
    • MS:
      • Do not take the right spot to use spells, or do the spells to the wrong direction.
      • Do not let the ED to use his spells, staying in the only sqm where they can be used.
    • RP:
      • Stay away from the ED/MS vision
      • Not stay in the right sqm around the EK.
      • Lure creatures over the mages.

  3. How and why that set-up will improve the team hunt?
    • Right now team hunts are way better than used to be, because of the addition of extra experience you get by doing a party with different vocations, and with the hunting analyzer.
    • The only thing I would improve is the sharing experience between players of the same vocation. 

  4. What is that team hunt oriented toward?
    • For me team hunts fulfill 3 functions:
      • It makes the hunt more entertain, sharing time with people you like to hunt with
      • Increases exponentially the experience and loot by hour that you can get
      • Allows you to hunt in respawns where hunting alone is not possible or too risky.
by (1,534 points)
I liked the answer, but maybe I did not express myself well, consider it as a battle strategy rather than a manual on how to hunt well, that way the most flexible things could be pointed out (which are quite efficient but it depends on your team if you really want to do them or not) as this "MS: lure if possible, UE creatures when they are red/black hp."