+2 votes
by (524 points)
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Many people think that the sorcerers are the weakest today, cause the other classes can make a equal exp in high levels and more profit, and in terms of power is like a druid, but the druids can heal a friend in a hunt and can use paralyse runes in pvp.

I think the sorcerers have a few spells different than druids, a middle heal

The paladins should stay half an hour before the hunt for make a arrows

The high level knights in solo hunt have a middle heal with potions

The druids suffer when the hunts dont make a profit and the knight is horrible in math.

and what do you think is the major shortcomings of each vocation in tibia today?

6 Answers

+1 vote
by (7,037 points)
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Sorcerer: I suppose this start by a thread in the forum about "Make Sorcerer great again". I read a lot "ideas" and well, they are CRAZY in the best cases (Things like more gain of experiences/magic level with Sorcerer or make an upgrade of all damage by 30%) look like they just wanna be the OP vocation in the game and don't want a real balance. I think the people just miss the old times when the sorcerer was the OP vocation in the game. Given some new spells in form of WAVE its the best and balance option I see.

Druid: I hope see another way to do support in the hunts and not only heal.

Paladin: The only "problem" with the arrows is just the time do you need to make it or to ask another paladin. If you put to sell arrows on npc (100x10K) its done, yo don't have more problems.

Knight: Nothing to say.

+1 vote
by (3,816 points)
Well sorcerer could be at least more necessary, because now in team hunts or duos a druid is a lot better because of healing so maybe a spell to balance that, something with death would be cool... but nothing that it actually need a huge fix :)

Knights are a really good vocation but not being able to use strong manas is really bad during hunts but again not a huge fix, you can still had a lot of profit as long as you carry enough mana potions or if you doesnt care to kill 1 creature at time xD

Paladins became extremely great vocation to profit in lower levels and even as high level but there is the arrow problem as low level it ends too fast and as a high level you need to make them before hunting

I really don’t know what to say about druids, healing and paralyze make them a huge support vocation and they can make big damages using runes just like a sorcerer so I don’t see any problem.
+1 vote
by (232 points)
I'm focusing on lvl 300+

Knights: Worst options for solo exp, pretty high skill cap as they have to lure/ avoid traps/ loot quickly/ execute combos correctly (which is harder on EK than other voc IMO). Pretty annoying at getting bestiary at weaker creatures as they can't just spam AOE runes and kill everything in 1-2 shoots.

Druid: A lot of things to think/do at team hunt, you need to heal three people (knight, paladin if he acts as a secondary blocker and yourself), deal damage, place wild growths etc.

Sorcerers: They complain all the time that they are the weakest vocation but they have a pretty chill role at team hunts compared to druids, solo exp is pretty similar for ED and MS. The biggest drawback is that they cant DUO with RP/EK the way druid can.

Paladins: it's the strongest and best-rounded vocation in Tibia right now, they can work as blockers, damage dealers, have a ton of options for a solo hunt, easiest to solo some bosses without huge waste. For some reason, they complain about how weak paladin is the most. One drawback would be the arrows but to be honest it's not that hard to get some group of ppl that will exchange arrows going or even ask in world chat. Worst case scenario they can use burst arrows for a while.

CipSoft did one brilliant thing to cover a lot of imbalances - bonus exp for 4voc team hunts. This makes each vocation equally important at team hunt and if you are doing your job well you will not have a problem finding people to hunt with. Only thing is which job do you like to do, personally, I don't like playing EK but I enjoy playing ED a lot.

The main differences are in regards to solo / duo hunts.
0 votes
by (228 points)

Knights: I feel that thier healing doesn't scale well with levels, and actually worse than paladins.

Another issue is the separation in melee skill which causes imbalances after updates.

Paladin: The dependency of pre-creation time of diamond arrowd, which is part of their main source of their AOE damage.

Sorcerer: Should definitely make more damage.

Druids: I must admit that I don't experience with this vocation, and I don't have special insights about further improvement.

by (7,037 points)
On Knight, if you have a better heal (And the most high heal), where is the places of Druid in Duo/Team hunts?
0 votes
by (17,406 points)
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Best answer

Well with the recent Vocation Adjustments  I believe a lot has changed with vocations. This is what I've noticed while playing, however, I main a Druid but do own all vocations... I think for everyone the major shortcomings can be different.

  • Mana Shield changes, can easily die if not careful
  • Waste a lot in hunts because of healing others still
  • Mana Shield changes, can easily die if not careful
  • Players believe Sorcerers deal the same damage as Druids so they aren't unique still.
  • Harder to play solo (I know a lot of players play solo, but for Knight it's the hardest in my opinion as it makes me bored because I feel I don't have many options especially solo as a low level at least.)
  • Ammunition can be pricy. For example: Diamond Arrows cost 11k per 100 and you cannot make them anymore...However, there's other ammo to choose from if that's too pricy for you.
0 votes
by (934 points)

I think the primary major shortcoming of the Paladin and Sorcerer is the lack of the Druid/Knight duo synergy.

Imo the difference is huge in effort of going to exp if you just need 1 hunting partner to duo hunt, instead of usually 3 for a full team. The duo hunting also offers more spawns since a full team clears faster and therefor might overkill a spawn. But the duo might not overkill.

SorcererThe major shortcoming of the Sorcerer isn't the sorcerer itself. The shortcoming of the Sorcerer is the druid. The druid is almost equally strong, while still ALSO having the huuuuge roll as a healer. The druid's ability of Paralyzing in PVP also creates a huge gap between themselves and the Sorcerers. 

The Sorcerer's lack of "Cure"-spells is not a huge drawback, but it might be really significant and people often seem to neglect that problem. In pvp it is really noticable imo not being able to Exana Flam if you're soulfired. In PVE the other vocations that have more "Cure"-spells than just Exana Pox that the Sorcerer has, they get an ability to escape with teleport scrolls or The Supreme Cube. This because they can kill of the mobs, use Exana Flam or Exana Kor etc. and quickly hide in a corner and wait battle, while the sorcerer cannot.

Druid: More waste doing bosses, if waste isn't split between the teammates (which it almost never is with randoms and mostly not even with premades). The higher pressure and intensivity of having two vital roles both as a shooter and a healer. Ofc good Sorcerers and Paladins can help out by making pulls, taking mobs and secondary tanking and more, but the druid still has two primary rolls. The druid lacks the Sorcerer's death protection equipment, which can be very useful againt current bosses that often deals death damage and by player's SDs in PVP.

Knight: The pressure on the knight during lots of different bosses is to have the responsibility for boss mechanics. For example. trapping bosses at certain tricky places, luring them over certain squaremeters and so on, while still focusing on tanking it, both using Exeta Res, healing yourself and still attacking it with your spell rotation. Boring not having Creature Illusion. Can't summon creatures (except for your lvl200 vocation specific summon). Impractical not having Invisibility spell.

Paladin: "Jack of all trades, master of none" in general, but really shines through on lower levels. Having lower HP than knights while hunting, killing bosses etc. Of what I have seen while doing some of the higher level bosses is that paladin's are the most likely getting headshottet and dying (personal experience). Boring not having Creature Illusion. Can't summon creatures (except for your lvl200 vocation specific summon). Impractical not having Invisibility spell.

These are both big and small factors and I see most of the vocation specific shortcomings by putting the vocations in contrast to the each other. There's probably lots of other shortcomings but these are my experiences.
