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Does Chivalrous Challenge affect creatures which are invisible around me or spell has no effect at all on them?
by (17,406 points)
@Flag- I don't see the spell listed on the manual, however, yes it is listed on the news. If something is listed on the news sometimes it's forgotten with time. (wasn't me who flagged/downvoted)
I totally agree- in next 5 months none will know what was official statement. You also do not see this on tibia wiki as a elaboration of how Chivalrous Challange works.
Feel free to downvote even more or close it - I will not hide the question.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (479 points)
Yes, it does affect invisible creatures turning them temporarily into melee fighters, but that doesn't mean it makes them visible, you still need to deal damage to them or use the cancel invisibility spell in order to be able to see them.