+2 votes
Does Divine Dazzle has any effect on invisible creatures or does not work on them at all?

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (79 points)

It doesn't seem to have an effect on them! I tried it with the stalkers that are in Darama and nothing happened. 

+1 vote
by (398 points)
Despite there already being an answer to this question, I thought the approach to it was wrong.

Divine Dazzle has an explicit effect on ranged creatures, and Stalker is not ranged. I used Warlocks to test the behaviour of this spell when the Warlock is invisible, and it has no effect.

That means, if there is only one Warlock and it is invisible, the spell goes on cooldown and does nothing at all. If there are multiple warlocks, it only hits those that are visible and turns them into melee creatures for 8 seconds.

Invisible creatures are thus not affected by Divine Dazzle in any way, you could say the spell doesn't know they are there!
by (1,534 points)
well,  beside you are right on how it works, still u missed something, the answer above is half right aswell because the spell also works or is triggered by melee fighters aswell not only rangers,  basically they works as a bridge between you and the ranger mobs, so indeed is important to take them into account, sometimes they interfere between you and your target  and sometimes they are the only thing that help you (specially if trapped)
by (398 points)
If the creature is invisible, it has no effect on Divine Dazzle's behaviour. Be it a melee or a ranged creature, it has no effect.
I focused on ranged ones because they are the common target of the spell.